Sid finished his third round of treatment 3 days ago on Friday. The nausea and cold sensitivity have hit him hard. However, he held it together well enough to enjoy some football and the World Series. The outcome of the World Series may have contributed to some of his (our) discomfort, though. I'm amazed and proud of his strength and determination to fulfill his church duties to the best of his ability. His chemo schedule falls in such a way that the immediate Sunday after treatment he has extra meetings (Ward Council and Elder's Quorum presidency meeting) before the regularly held two hour block of church services. All three Sundays he has doned his suit and headed out the door early to catch every one of those meetings. I'm grateful that he is so willing to serve and I'm grateful for how his calling has given him the opportunity to escape his own head and worries in favor of helping others. Over the weekend there has been a prominent pain in his upper right abdomen. I...