I know many of you who read these posts have diligently checked for updates over the past while. I know you worry. Thank you, for loving us that much. There hasn't been anything "new" so I didn't feel it necessary to write anything. The last treatment was hard and heavy, but that's fairly normal that each new treatment has left his body feeling the effects more severely.
This Friday will be treatment #8 for Sid. As I said before, the last one was noticably more difficult than any other. So - as you can imagine - no one is really eager for this next one.
It's redeeming quality, however, is that this one is somewhat of a milestone. We were told that this one would be the last chemo that included the Oxaliplatin. This is the drug that has caused the neuropathy and cold sensitivity. With it being January in northern Utah I'm sure it comes as no surprise that Sid will be glad to be rid of it.
That's really the only "sure thing" we know right now. He has a CT scan scheduled this week that his doctor will study and use to make decisions about what the next step is. We're hoping to find out what that is when we talk to his doctor on Friday.
Treatment weekend is all consuming for us in almost every way. When I have a minute to post I will, but I will need to ask for your patience in waiting for me to compose myself once the dust has settled from the weekend's intensity.
In the meantime, please remember to keep Sid's medical team in your prayers; they have important decisions to make this week.
I am very aware of the many prayers being said on our family's behalf. I know there are many because I see them at work: I notice the resiliency of my kids and their mature emotional grasps go way beyond their years; with all the sicknesses going around our family seems to get "skipped"; I had a long week of little sleep and somehow I was able to find more patience than I should have been able to; Sid has been able to take the time he needed to recover and that time taken didn't negatively impact his work load at the bank; too many things are working well for me to ignore the obvious divine intervention.
With all these little details adding up I know that the big picture stuff will too, even if I can't see it clearly yet.
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