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Finding Out

Hey, it's Taylee. In an attempt to keep everyone informed I've started this blog. I'll be posting informational updates here. I don't foresee Sid doing much writing at this point. So in general, assume that I'm the one writing. 

A few weeks ago much of my family was in town for a family wedding. This included my brother Josh. He is a psychologist/pharmacist and works in Texas at a VA helping veterans with their mental health. Sid had been trying to find the right combo of meds for his anxiety for a while and asked Josh for advice. After learning what Sid was currently taking, Josh urged him to get in to the doctor and adjust them.

Sid was able to get in to his doctor on August 16th. In almost a throwaway kind of way he mentioned that he'd had pains in his stomach and was having trouble swallowing. Since we had met our max out of pocket he had no problem doing some additional tests. His doctor set him up with Dr. Bryce at Franklin County Medical Center for an endoscopy consult.

Sid met with Dr Bryce and scheduled the procedure for September 6. Sid and I went into this thinking that all that would be needed was a quick stretch of the esophagus or perhaps finding evidence of a food allergy. In fact, me learning that Sid had scheduled this procedure was the first I knew that there had been an issue. Sid - true to form - had been dealing with this pain for 2-3 months and had been keeping it to himself not wanting to make a big deal about it. 

Looking back I can see that I had been sensing something was coming. I had thoughts that seemed weird and out of place at the time and somehow Tuesday morning seemed to feel heavier than it should have. 

When the doctor came to tell me that he had finished up I tried making a light hearted comment about how surprised I was at how quickly everything had gone. Dr Bryce had a very business like and serious demeanor and invited me into a private room to discuss what he'd found. The way he was acting I knew he was deeply concerned. 

The summed up version of what he said in that meeting was, "Either this is the biggest ulcer I've ever seen in my career or it's cancer." He told me he took some samples and sent them off to be biopsied and we should get the results in 3-5 business days. 

Thursday morning Sid was dressed and ready to leave for work and I was in the middle of a work out. His phone rang and he caught my attention and let me know this was the call we were anticipating. 

Well, it wasn't that record breaking ulcer we were hoping for.

So here we are. At this point all we know is that it's esophageal cancer. On Tuesday Sid is getting a PET scan to determine the severity and how much the cancer has spread. The results will then be sent to Huntsman and a course of action will hopefully begin.  

I hope I answered most of your questions. If you still have some you're in good company; so do we. Thank you for your love and support. Both of us know that we will need to take you up on your offers to help. I'm grateful so many people are so willing to chip in. I will definitely strive to do better because of your examples. 

Hard things happen; no one comes out of life unscathed. I don't expect a "get out of jail free" card. I know we need opposition to grow. I guess it's time to do that.

I do have Sid and he has me. We have our kids. We have incredible family, neighbors, and friends. I'm grateful that I have previous hard times that I (we) made it through that remind me that we can do this too. 

Helaman 5:12 says:
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that WHEN the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, WHEN all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, IT SHALL HAVE NO POWER over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, BECAUSE OF THE ROCK upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall. (Emphasis added)

It isn't if; it's when. 

I know I'm often going to sound or say I am a lot more confident than I feel. That sometimes I'm going to be heavily relying on past experiences that contributed to my testimony because I'm not experiencing any warm fuzzies at the moment. But we have had those times. I do trust in my Savior. 

And right now I'm pulling out my grungy clothes and some thick work gloves and digging deep into that foundation. 


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